Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How Did Derren Brown Levitate the Table? (Special Report)

For years, readers of AboutDerrenBrown have asked me to speculate about how Derren performs certain tricks, but I have resisted because I am not a magician and it takes a lot of research for me to figure out how his tricks can be done.

As an experiment, though, I have created a special report about how Derren Brown levitated the table in his Evening of Wonders act:

     Amazon UK:   How Did Derren Brown Levitate the Table in Evening of Wonders?

     Amazon US:   How Did Derren Brown Levitate the Table in Evening of Wonders?

Obviously, Derren has never explained how he performs this trick, so all I can do is suggest methods that would work for him. Because my conclusions are based on the techniques of other illusionists, though, I believe you will find them quite compelling. Enjoy!

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